Ruth's Travelogue on Spittal Pond Nature Reserve

Spittal Pond is excellent for year-round bird watching and magnificent South Shore seascapes, 35 acres of Bermuda's most spectacular open space a winter home to about 25 species of waterfowl. The "Spanish Rock" Portuguese sailors actually carved is the oldest surviving physical evidence of human presence in Bermuda. Greedy European gold seekers rashly dug up the only fresh-water sources on the island, guessing crosses on the confiscated Portuguese map marked buried treasure. Ever since, to this day, houses store rainwater from stepped rooftops painted white with lime. Pond water is briny, and wells collect salty seawater at sea level.

We arrived at the Spittal Pond parking lot with fifteen minutes to spare before the 1:00 tour, ample time for us to scope out the park entrance and sit on the ground under an adjacent shady tree for a make-do picnic lunch with another couple; her mother had also loved staying at Willowbank. People came, waited, and went. Every now and again I would go ask if they were also waiting for the 1:00 tour with the Park Ranger, who evidently never bothered to show up.

At 1:15 the four of us decided to make our own little tour. We went through the gate and started to the pond, stopping frequently to wonder at what we were seeing and at what we weren't able to find, like Jeffrey's Cave or pink flamingos. We looked for any sign to help us appreciate the significance of this nature reserve. At the end of the brackish pond we reluctantly parted ways. Allen and his wife Dawn wanted to visit the natural arches, and we always looked forward to the 4:00 Afternoon Tea at Willowbank.

We walked the narrow road--this was another one of those sidewalk-less stretches--around and over the hill. After an hour bus ride we arrived at Willowbank and welcomed the energizing teatime, bracing for a quick dip in the choppy ocean whipped by a brisk breeze while the sun played hike and seek behind clouds.

Ruth's Travelogues on:

Willowbank South Shore Beaches Botanical Gardens Spittal Pond Walking the Railway Trail
Bermuda Somerset Village Riding the Ferry City of Hamilton World's Smallest Drawbridge

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