Ruth's Travelogue on Riding the Ferry

We thought it a great idea to hike about an hour from Willowbank to Somerset Village, then catch the ferry at Cavello Bay Wharf, but amended our plan to walk around Mangrove Bay on the way to Watford Bridge Wharf. We rode the ferry past Boaz Island Wharf and the Dockyard Wharf in the North Basin, continuing on through Two Rock Passage to Albuoy's Point, Hamilton Harbour. This gave us two hours in the city of Hamilton before our ferry ride via the Granaway Deep to Somerset Bridge Wharf and hike up the Railway Trail to Willowbank.

We got off the ferry at Somerset Bridge Wharf, having circled by foot and ferry 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. back to Willowbank in time for our favorite Afternoon Tea followed by an afternoon dip in the ocean before dinner.

Riding a ferry is great. Nothing else equals cruising across smooth sapphire water ringed by gorgeous islands.

Ruth's Travelogues on:

Willowbank South Shore Beaches Botanical Gardens Spittal Pond Walking the Railway Trail
Bermuda Somerset Village Riding the Ferry City of Hamilton World's Smallest Drawbridge

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