Mother's 80th Birthday Party - May 24, 2008

Mother's 80th birthday party —and Joe's and Brian's birthday. Brian is 24 on the 24th.

Pause the mouse over a picture below to pull up the title; click on a picture to enlarge it.

John, George, Ruth, Daddy, Mother, Anita John, Anita, George, Mother, Daddy, Ruth Tim (in part), Sue (far left); John, Jay, Anita, Diane, George, Mother, Daddy, Joe, Ruth Mother &  Daddy's children and extended family.
David, Diane Baby Joshua, Sandra, Diane, David, Brian, Sue. Alana, Anita, Anna, Lisa, Jay, Sandra, Joshua, Cassandra. Anita looks at Mother and John; Sue sits to the side.
Cassandra Katrina Alana holding Corey, in front of Anna. Joshua
Mugshot of John; Brian, Katrina, and David watch Tim. Katrina watches Tim do a handstand on the pooltable. Katrina does backflips. Joe plays ball with Cassandra on his 59th birthday.
David - Handstand on pooltable - series of 4 photos David - Handstand on pooltable - series of 4 photos David - Handstand on pooltable - series of 4 photos David - Handstand on pooltable - series of 4 photos
Lisa, Mother, Joshua, Anita, Sandra, Brian, Amber. Lisa, Mother, Joshua, Anita, Sandra, Amber. Anita looks at Sandra plaiting Amber's hair. George, John, Mother
Marie, Mother, Trish, Elma Jean, Daddy. Daddy Joe, beside Chester (Amber & Tim's dog), with Daddy. Daddy, Sandra holding Joshua, and Joe.

Celebrating BirthdaysMother, Joe, Brianat Anita and Jay's home.
Twenty-eight members from our extended family gathered together
from various parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
We enjoyed Mother and Daddy staying with us this weekend!
Present but left before photos: Lisa and Yvonne.

Photos by Ruth and Joe.

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