Nova Voce Presents Choral Debut "Celebrazione di Canto"

at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, Charlotte NC

Concert Programs by Annette Stover — 1st Soprano

The choir sang Johann Sebastian Bach’s Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten in German, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Laudate pueri Dominum and Pablo Casal’s Nigra Sum in Latin, and early (1120 A.D.) to contemporary composers (Deborah Lutz) in English.

Concert Program Bio re: Ruth — Alto & Flute

Ruth opens Nova Voce’s debut concert on flute with Johann Sebastian Bach’s beloved “Arioso”. She received a Masters degree in Teaching, and the Outstanding Teaching Award from The University of South Carolina for being the best teacher in the state. She was first featured on television in second grade playing the piano. Over the next 40 years, on numerous occasions, she has given solo performances to symphony appearances as well as private lessons, workshops, and classes throughout the eastern seaboard region from Alabama to Massachusetts and in Heidelberg and Munich, Germany. Charlotte flute performances over the last two decades include:  Spirit Square, Ballantyne Resort, church services, weddings, banquets, and dinner parties.

 Choir non-profit status and e-mail arranged by Judah Jones 1st Soprano

Ruth:  I returned from sunny Florida beaches ahead of Joe to attend the final Nova Voce rehearsals,
recovering from a cold. Joe called and when I answered the phone in a voice deep with bass tones,
he asked for Ruth. I replied, "That's me!" By the time my neurologist identified the ever-worsening leg
pain as a disk that ruptured February 20th in the middle of my back, without surgery in a week or two

he said I likely never would walk again. Showing Ruth's Backbone, & Latest MRI's of Ruth's Back.

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