“Marvelous Mainz!” - September 1, 2013

Photographs by Ruth Barrett

Daisy-like gazania flower, Gazania ringens, part of the Asteracae family, a family that covers a myriad of plants including daisies, coreopsis, even lettuce, identified by its central flowerhead and ligules (strappy florets – the petals!)
Daisy-like gazania flower, Gazania ringens, part of the Asteracae family, a family that covers a myriad of plants including daisies, coreopsis, even lettuce, identified by its central flowerhead and ligules (strappy florets – the petals!)
A summer plant often grown as an annual, gazania bears boldly colored daisy-shaped flowers, summer to frost, that bloom over toothed dark green or silver leaves (the foliage color differs between varieties)