“Marvelous Mainz!” - September 1, 2013

Photographs by Ruth Barrett

Palm tree blooming at the Forum in the Sant Martí district
Palm tree blooming at the Forum in the Sant Martí district
The name Barcino ,formalized around the end of the reign of Caesar Augustus (AD 14), was a shortened version of the name which had been official up until then, Colonia Faventia Julia Augusta Pia Barcino (also Colonia Julia Augusta Faventia Paterna Barcino) and Colonia Faventia – as a colonia, it was established to distribute land among retired soldiers – the Roman geographer Pomponius Mela refers to Barcino as one of a number of small settlements near Tarraco, a town wealthy in maritime resources; however, Barcino's strategic position on a branch of the Via Augusta allowed its commercial and economic development, and it enjoyed immunity from imperial taxation