Willowbank Cottage Resort

Joe in his new Bermuda outfit Entrance to Willowbank Appetizer Ruth and Joe in the "Loaves and Fishes" dining room
The Warrenaires Fragrant Flower Morning Glory - Ipomea. sp. Hibiscus -  Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Entrance to Willowbank Beachfront Morning Glories - Ipomea. sp. Kiskadee - Pitangus sulphuratus Sunset
Willowbank's Private Ocean Beach Feeding the Fish at the Dock Portugese Man O' War - Physalia physalis Willowbank's Private Ocean Beach
View from our room View from our room View from our room Ruth on Dock
WIllowbank Private Beach at Ely's Harbour Entrance to Willowbank Entrance to Willowbank's Private Ocean Beach Willowbank's Private Ocean Beach
Sunset Dock Sunset Sunset
Panorama View from our First Room (#35)

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Ruth's Travelogue on Willowbank

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