South Shore Beaches

Mvc-708x.jpg (40755 bytes) Ruth atop sand dunes carpeted with tamarisk and yucca (Spanish Bayonet) Mvc-802x.jpg (18468 bytes) Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches
Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches
Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches photo of the day, May 26, 2001. See Unusual rock formations on some of the world's most beautiful beaches "Pink Sand" - pieces of shell, coral, and calcium carbonate
Mvc-734x.jpg (83071 bytes) Bay Grape Bermudiana, sisyrinchium bermudiana, native to Bermuda and unofficial national flower Mvc-752x.jpg (33303 bytes)

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Ruth's Travelogue on South Shore Beaches

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